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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Coffee or Tea?

Susana likes to drink  coffee every morning when she gets out of bed.  Susana drinks two cups of coffee in the morning. Shannon lives next door to Susana.  Shannon never  drinks coffee. Coffee  makes  Shannon  feel bad. Shannon gets a stomach ache when she drinks coffee.  Shannnon drinks hot tea.  Shannon likes good  herbal tea. Shannon drinks  two  cups  of  hot tea every morning after she gets out of bed.

One morning,  Shannon goes next door to speak to Susana. Shannon wants to borrow some sugar for  her tea. Shannon does not have any more sugar in her house. Susana says, "Sure, I have plenty of sugar. Come on in." Susana gives Shannon a bag of sugar. Shannon says, "Thank you very much!" Susana and  Shannon sit down at the table. Susana drinks her coffee, and  Shannon drinks a cup of coffee, too. Now, Shannon likes coffee, and stops drinking  hot tea.

1.  What does Shannon like to drink  in the morning?
2.  What does  Susana like to drink  in the morning?
3. How often does Susana drink tea?
4. Where does  Shannon live?
5. Where  does  Susana live?
6. Why does Shannon go to Susana's home?
7. Does Shannon  have  sugar in  her home?
8. What does Shannon drink with Susana?
9.  Why does Shannon drink  coffee with Susana?

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