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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fist Hand Meets Shaking Hand and Its Not Nice

Shaking Hand is always alone.  Shaking Hand  has no family,  and no friends. Shaking Hand is always shaking at all the other hands. Shaking hand wants a friend. One day, Fist Hand walks by Shaking Hand. Shaking Hand  waves at Fist Hand. Fist Hand is angry, and hits Shaking  Hand. Shaking Hand cries.  Fist Hand says, "Do you want me to be  your  friend?" Shaking Hand wants a friend, but a good friend, not  a mean friend. That was mean when  Fist Hand hit Shaking Hand.  Shaking Hand was not happy.  Shaking Hand walks away. Fist Hand also walks away.

1. Why is Fist Hand mean?
2. What did Shaking Hand do after Shaking Hand  was hit?
3. Why is Shaking Hand called Shaking Hand?
4. Why does Shaking Hand  wave at other hands?
5. What does shaking  hand want?
6.  Does Shaking Hand have friends?
7.  What  happens at the end of the story?
8.  Does Fist Hand want to be Shaking Hand's friend?
9. Where does Fist Hand go at the  end of the story?

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